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Hey, I’m Jess Creative Director by day 3D Artist by night

A midwest gal exploring the intersection of tech and art.

For as long as I can remember, computers and traditional artistry have always been a passion. Bridging the two is where I like to travel, whether i’m creating for professional projects, or personal R&D.

This portfolio contains a variety of things to inspire, awe, and maybe even educate. Curious about what I do?

Learn more about me →

That’s me!
That’s me!

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Do you freelance? If so, what services?

I do! I offer web design, logo design, 3D rendering & simulation, and other general graphic design services. Please look over my PRICING SHEET for applicable rates and fees.

What are you currently working on or learning?

Right now I’m trying to get a good handle on Unreal Engine. It’s the platform I’ve probably used the least, but it’s render speeds at top quality are unmatched!

Do you have any tutorials for your work?

Yes! I have a youtube channel for my 3D work HERE, as well as another channel HERE where I share video edits. Both channels have tutorial videos so you can learn the craft.

If you were on an island and could only choose one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pizza. Here’s why:

  1. Pizza comes in many forms; regular, dessert pizza, fruit pizza, pizza pockets, pizza bagels, etc. Variety, people.
  2. It’s delicous.